Hey Go-Getters,
A reminder that age is just a number.
✨You can be the change you wish to see at any age.
✨You can start your business at any age.
✨You can change careers at any age.
On August 12, the world celebrated “International Youth Day!" The holiday was created in 2000 by the United Nations to highlight issues faced by worldwide youth. This year’s theme is “Youth Engagement for Global Action."
To keep the celebratory day going, this newsletter highlights youth-led/ youth-focused businesses and organizations fighting for change at the local, national, and global levels.
Local Organizations
A youth-focused organization preventing and addressing homelessness in New Haven, CT.

A coalition of youth and adults "working together to dismantle systems of oppression" in the education system in New London, CT.

National Organizations
A youth-led community platform for "sharing opportunities, bridging generational gaps' and creating spaces of mutual learning.

A national youth-led movent to fight climate change by demanding action from policymakers.

Global Organizations
An international network of youth-led and youth-focused nonprofits

A nonprofit organization fighting to give second and third chances to youth in the criminal justice system.

Here’s a list of more youth-led and youth-focused organizations:
EEqual Nonprofit
We hope this roundup provides inspiration and motivation for the youth and the "youth at heart" in our audience. Age does not have to hinder you. Use whatever stage of life that you're in to tell your story and fuel your business.
Are you an aspiring, new, or seasoned business owner? Do you have any insight to share with gen-z and 800+ potential customers? If so email us at INFO@BRVISIONARYCONSULTING.COM to schedule your guest appearance on our IG Live series, “Real People, Real Brands."